Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trunk or Treat

Oh, and here are a few pictures from our Trunk or Treat last week. The first picture is after Lauren went and filled up her bag, we found her hiding in the back of the truck all wrapped up in a blanket scarfing down her candy!

Pumpkin Carving

We carved our pumpkins last night...Abbie wanted to do a bat on hers, but then decided on a traditional jack-o-lantern. Lauren had Jon cut this elaborate spooky face one...

Lauren really loved getting all dirty with the pumpkin guts...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dinosaur Exhibit

Last week we finally got out to the Dinosaur Exhibit at Powell Gardens. We had planned to go back in August, but it was WAY too hot to go, so we put it off, and we almost didn't go last week because it was too cold...but we put on our heavy coats and headed out. Abbie didn't have school most of last week due to fall conferences, so we had a lot of free time.

Abbie has a fascination with dinosaurs so this was perfect for her. There were lots of life-sized dinosuars, most of which I had never heard of. They had some hanging in the trees (yuck!) and some HUGE ones guarding their nest of eggs. Interesting stuff. The girls really enjoyed it!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bernese Mountain Dog

Ok, here is a picture of the dog the girls are sooooo in love with. Don't you think that he looks like he belongs somewhere in the Alps...not in our backyard. But, he is really cute :)

I can't figure out how to post the is the link...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Woh! Look at us! I don't blog for a month and then wah-la...2 posts in one day!

Last week we finally got out to the pumpkin patch. We tried to head out the week before but it rained ALL DAY LONG!! We've had quite a bit of rain lately, but last weekend was BEAUTIFUL! We took the girls out with Paw Paw and Kiki and Uncle Mike out to the pumpkin patch. They both picked our their own pumpkins straight off the vine. Afterwards they went running out into the corn fields...Then Abbie found the soybean plants and she was infatuated with pulling off the soybean pods(?) and pulling out the beans. She called herself the "Queen of Soybeans"--how funny is that!! She is so "suburbia"--totally not a country girl. She is afraid of grasshoppers and anything that flies! :)

The big hit of the day was when we met this nice lady with a horse, ok, seriously, it was a great big dog-- a Bernese Mountain dog. This dog was gorgeous...and the girls LOVED him. He was so calm and totally a lap dog...oh, and did I mention he weighs 125 pounds..yes, I said 125 pounds! We had been looking at little dogs for them for some day, far off in the future. Now, they both want a Burnese Mountain dog. Sure, 125 pounds--not gonna happen! We don't even have a fence! I'll see if I can find a picture, just so ya'll can see just how big this horse, er, I mean dog really is.

A Date with Daddy....

Wow! How time flies. It seems like just yesterday when we brought Abbie home from the hospital. It was a rainy day, the week before Easter. She was so tiny. Now, 6 years later, she has her first date....with her daddy.

Last Friday night was the Daddy Daughter Dinner Dance. She was sooo excited...well, she was really excited to see her friends! The dinner was down at the club at Arrowhead Stadium where the Chiefs play football. So of course all the dads were excited...Abbie was excited because she and Jon drove down with her friend Marie and her dad. Jon said that Abbie happily ate dinner with him and then she was gone...just like that...out on the dancefloor with her friends. Jon said he got ditched for abotu 3/4 of the night. Abbie danced her heart out to High School Musical songs, Hannah Montana and Avril Lavigne. Abbie did oblige Jon and danced with him a few times, but she said she was "embaressed" dancing with her dad...???..all the other girls danced with their dads, too. Jon even got her (ie. I ordered and he picked up) a corsage...My how time flies...