Tuesday, May 13, 2008


We took the girls to their first ever circus last week. Our friend Troy is the Grand Pooba or President?? of the Lion's Club, and they brought the circus to town. Now, I've got to say that the only circus I've been to have been the big Barnum and Bailey type...this was definitely not the BIG circus. This was a small, and probably family-run circus.

They brought the elephants and a tiger, but we didn't get to see the tiger because she had just had 4 baby tiger cubs 4 days before and they were in the semi trailer...hmmmm, not sure how I feel about that, but anyway....

We were most impressed with the trapeze artist, the unicycles, the elephant ride and the balancing acts, and all the junk food we ate....blah! It really was a great show and the girls loved it, so that was what was most important.